Tuesday, June 25, 2013

美国4成未婚女 要孩子不要伴侣

联社(AP)妇女娱乐电视频道(WE tv)30日公布的最新民调显示,50岁以下未婚、没有子女的妇女中,有超过五分之二(42%),考虑不要伴侣、独自生养子女;也有超过三分之一(37%)妇女考虑独自收养子女















Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sex or the smartphone: what do Italian women want?

Protesters gather in Rome's Piazza del Popolo to demonstrate against Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in Feb. 2011, saying his sex scandals have hurt their dignity and reinforced outdated gender stereotypes. (Alessandro Bianchi /Reuters)

Some think rock ‘n roll is better than sex. Others opt for chocolate. But smartphones?

Well, si. If you’re an Italian woman. According to a survey of 3,000 European women byalfemminile.com, some 29 per cent of Italians – close to one-third – admit to checking their phones during sex, according to a report in the Italian news agency ANSA. 

And not only that. Eighty-three per cent of those polled confessed to being “exceedingly attached” to their phones to the point of addiction.

Furthermore, nearly one-quarter of them “cannot withstand being separated from their devices for more than an hour,” compared with 14 per cent of their European sisters. That’s far more, statistically, than stay with their husbands once they’re married – little more than 50 per cent.

In or out of the bedroom, the survey says, about 23 per cent of Italian women check their phones every half hour, compared with 18 per cent in Europe. And men who date them can expect that 54 per cent of their inamoratas will spend the evening with their eyes, and hands, on their keyboards. 

But does this say more about the women – or their partners? 

The study, in fact, could be the worst blow to the image of the Italian lover since the death of womanizing Fascist poet Gabriele D’Annunzio.

And it’s a far cry from Stendhal’s contention that in Italy, “one must only make love; other pleasures of the soul are cramped here…anywhere else is only a bad copy.” 

But things have moved on since the early 19th century.  

Or could it be that like former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Italian men have fallen victim to their own overblown publicity? 

With near-total control over the Italian media for more than two decades, Berlusconi flamboyantly promoted a role for women as sex kittens, striptease artists and burlesque queens, at the service of domineering (but irresistible) men. He invited high profile guests to “bunga bunga” parties supplied with very young women, with himself as the director and star. 

The media onslaught rolled back some of the gains won by Italian feminists and made male chauvinism “normal” again. Sexual harassment was shrugged off as flirtation and women complained of increased hassling on the street. 

But they had more overwhelming problems too, as the economic meltdown heaped disaster on discrimination. The female unemployment rate rose to up to 54 per cent, and the World Economic Forum’s 2011 Global Gender Gap Report placed Italy at 74th in gender equality, below Ghana and Bangladesh. Not surprisingly hundreds of thousands of women took to the streets crying basta

Is it any wonder that they’ve also taken so fiercely to their obedient mechanical major domos – which they know will always be under their thumbs?

Olivia Ward has covered conflicts, politics and human rights from the former Soviet Union to South Asia and the Middle East. She was the Star’s European bureau chief from 1997-2002.







How to help someone having a heart attack

Cardiologist Dr. Chi-Ming Chow shares what to do if someone has a heart attack, cardiac arrest or stroke

Cardiologist Dr. Michael Chow with a portable defibrilator unit.
By: Isabel Teotonio Living reporter, Published on Tue May 28 2013
On Sunday, about 13,000 cyclists will participate in Ride for Heart , the largest charity cycling event in Canada. The sold-out event raises funds to support research about heart disease and stroke.

The Star spoke with Dr. Chi-Ming Chow , a cardiologist at St. Michael’s Hospital and spokesperson for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, about what to do if you or someone you know has a heart attack, cardiac arrest or stroke.

He shared why no one should be afraid to do CPR, even if they don’t know how, the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest, and why Stayin’ Alive should never be too far from your lips.

The difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest
During a heart attack, the heart keeps beating. People often have discomfort in their chest that radiates up to the jaw, and a pressure or squeezing pain can radiate down the left arm — or both arms. They may be short of breath, sweating or nauseous.
A heart attack occurs when the coronary arteries that supply the heart with blood are blocked. If blocked for more than six minutes, the heart will be damaged. “If not opened up immediately, either by our own body defence mechanism or mechanically, by coming to a hospital for an angiogram or angioplasty, then permanent damage may set in,” says Chow.
A cardiac arrest is different, because the heart suddenly stops. Between 15 and 30 per cent of heart attacks can progress into a cardiac arrest; others may be caused by inborn structural abnormalities to the heart. Stroke, electrocution, suffocation and drug overdose may also cause cardiac arrest.
People having a cardiac arrest lose consciousness. There is no pulse, and they stop breathing and turn blue. “Usually, it’s very dramatic, because there’s no circulation through the body,” says Chow.
Both require medical attention, but it’s important to know the difference. People who have had a heart attack should get to the emergency room as quickly as possible. If someone’s had a cardiac arrest, it’s important that a bystander performs CPR immediately to get the blood flowing and keep the person alive until medical attention arrives.

How to spot a stroke
Studies show up to 60 per cent of people aren’t familiar with the warning signs for heart attack and stroke.
A stroke may result in problems with speech and vision, facial weaknesses or paralysis and an inability to move one side of the upper arm or lower arm. The person may suffer a severe headache or loss of consciousness.
That’s because strokes are lack of blood supply to the brain, either by a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel. Permanent brain tissue damage starts to set in after six minutes, and it’s crucial to get treatment within three to four hours. Doctors can give a patient a clot-buster to restore circulation.

What to do if you’re having a heart attack or stroke
“With heart attack and stroke — which we call a brain attack — it’s important people recognize the signs and symptoms and call 911 or go to the closest emergency department,” says Chow. Avoid going to the hospital by yourself.
“I’ve had patients who’ve driven with crushing pain in their chest, but they keep driving and they come right into Emergency. It’s important they stop what they’re doing, call 911 and chew an Aspirin,” says Chow.
What to do it you see someone have a cardiac arrest or stroke
About 80 per cent of cardiac arrests occur outside a hospital — often at home or work.
If you see someone has a cardiac arrest, call 911, ask someone to get an AED (automated external defibrillator) and start CPR as quickly as possible.
Don’t know CPR? You’re not alone.
“It’s a conservative estimate, but I would say about 60 to 70 per cent of people (in Toronto) have not attended a CPR course,” says Chow.
There are 40,000 cardiac arrests in Canada each year. The chance of surviving is about 1 in 20. It’s crucial the average person know CPR, because it can increase a person’s chance of survival by 70 per cent.
“The Heart & Stroke Foundation’s main message is: If you don’t know CPR, learn it. And learn how to use an AED,” says Chow.

What to do if you don’t know CPR
CPR has gotten a lot simpler. Check for unresponsiveness, call 911 — have someone get an AED, if possible — and start chest compressions. Push hard — two inches down — and fast in the centre of the chest at a rate of 100 compressions per minute. Think of the rhythm in “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees—that’s the beat at which you should be pushing.
“There have been studies showing people who played that song in their head performed better CPR in terms of the rhythm,” says Chow.
“There is a possibility of doing it wrong,” says Chow, but “it’s better to do it and try to save someone’s life than not do it. You may break a rib, but it’s better to have broken rib than die.”

美中较劲的新战场 缅甸现在成了香饽饽


















Heart attacks decrease with smoke-free workplace laws: Mayo Clinic

Smoke-free workplace laws are associated with about one-third fewer heart attacks

Heart attacks declined significantly after a comprehensive smoke-free workplace ordinance went into effect in 2007.
By: Mayo Clinic Published on Tue May 28 2013
A Mayo Clinic study shows that smoke-free workplace laws are associated with about one-third fewer heart attacks.
The study assessed changes in heart attack numbers within a large population base in Minnesota. Researchers compared the incidence of heart attacks in the 18 months before the smoke-free restaurant law passed in 2002 with the incidence of heart attacks in the 18 months after a comprehensive smoke-free workplace ordinance went into effect in 2007.
They found that heart attacks declined significantly — 33 per cent — and they noted a trend of decreased sudden cardiac death. Adult smoking dropped 23 per cent, but other cardiovascular risk factors — including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity — remained stable or increased.
Second-hand smoke exposure is associated with coronary artery disease in non-smokers. Research also suggests that the cardiovascular effects of second-hand smoke are nearly the same as the effects experienced by someone who is actively smoking.
Mayo Clinic researchers say the study points to the need to consider second-hand smoke to be a major risk factor for heart attacks as well as a possible risk factor for sudden cardiac death. They add that second-hand smoke could be addressed with the expansion of smoke-free workplace policies. Avoid second-hand smoke whenever possible, and if you have coronary artery disease, avoid second-hand smoke altogether.

7 reasons your house may not be selling

Here are some of the common mistakes people make when putting their home up for sale.

Good timing - April to June is ideal - and a realistic asking price are among the factors that will ensure your house sells in a timely fashion.
Selling a home isn’t as simple as planting a sign in the ground any more. It involves preparation, timing and strategic advice. If you don’t do all of the above, do not be surprised when your home does not sell while others in the area are doing so.
Here are some common mistakes:
1. Good photos matter
More and more, buyers are being introduced to properties online. Pictures and videos matter. Before you take any picture, make sure your home has been properly de-cluttered, inside and out, and consider staging tips that will make the rooms appear larger. Pictures from your own iPhone will not impress anyone. Make sure all photographs are taken by professionals.
2. An MLS listing isn’t enough
In addition to the MLS, your home needs to be marketed on social media and should be directly advertised to other real estate agents, here and abroad, who are more likely to bring a buyer to your home. Foreign investors want Canadian real estate, as they view it as a safe investment. You need to reach every potential buyer.
3. The price isn’t right
A home is likely to attract the most interest within the first two weeks it is listed for sale. If the home is overpriced, buyers will move on. Be realistic when you set a sale price. Check out the competition and see what recent sales have been in the area. Remember, the longer a house sits on the market, the more likely that people will start asking whether something is wrong with it.
4. Buyers can’t get in to have a look
You never know when a potential buyer will want to see it. It might be late in the evening or at other times that are not convenient for you. If you say no, the buyer will typically just move on to the next home for sale, where the owner is more accommodating.
5. Your timing is wrong
Most buyers like to close before the beginning of the school year, to avoid too much disruption. Since closing usually happens 60 days after the offer is signed, you want to try to time your sale to happen between April and June. People generally go on vacation in the summer.
6. The house has a stigma
Sometimes two homes look similar, but one backs on to a ravine and the other to a hydro line. Make sure your agent asks for feedback from people who have seen your home but have decided not to put in an offer. If there is something outside the home that is bothering buyers, either figure out how to address it or adjust your price. If your neighbours know about prior problems with your home, be upfront and tell buyers in advance. They are going to ask the neighbours anyway, as part of their due diligence.
7. You have the wrong agent
When you interview agents, it should never be about choosing the one with the cheapest price. You have too much money riding on this choice. Ask any agent you interview about their own marketing plans and social media presence, and above all, get references. In addition, ask a simple question: Why should I hire you? If they can’t demonstrate why they are different, move on.

Mark Weisleder is a Toronto real estate lawyer. Contact him atmark@markweisleder.com

Tuesday, June 18, 2013












乌干达贫民窟女孩成象棋神童 最初只为一碗粥







