Friday, July 20, 2012


Mayor Ford’s Top Ten Solution to Gun Violence

1.   Declare war on gangs.   向幫派宣戦, 開火。

2.   Treat these as isolated incidents. Citizens should carry on with your life.   大事化小事, 小事化無事, 眼云煙, 很快又再大了。

3.   No hug-a-thug social programs. Go get a job.   走去揾工做, 又奌会有時间離撹撹震呢 !?

4.   Toronto is still the safest city in the world.   多倫多仲係全世界最安全嘅城市, 死幾个人又算得什呢 !?

5.   Gang members, move out of my city! Should have tougher Immigration Laws. Send them back to where they come from. What? You are born here? I don’t care you are white, pink or purple, out. Out. Out!   一於冲軍, 冲到塞外, 到西佰利亜; 咁就唔再我 D個多市市長嘅事嘛。

6.   Curfews.   宵禁, 实行每晩戒嚴, 你地屋企鬼打鬼, 唔管得咁多, 最緊要唔出街搗乱就得了

7.   Tougher gun control.   犯法者施以重刑, 就能以一警百, 安枕無憂矣。

8.   More handouts from the province. Handing out money to hug-a-thug is not the solution; but getting money from the province is.   褔利補助是 hug-a-thug 的做法, 要省政府支助卻是好政策。只許周官放火, 不許百姓灯, 你服末 !?

9.   More policing.    人之初, 性本悪, 幫匪本性難移, 一定要更多警察, 來維持治安

10. Of all people, I have done a lot for the kids (those I coached).  For the rest, go get a job.   我已盡力而為, 盡吓人事; 但長貧難顧呀, 都係出去番份工做啦。

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