Sunday, July 22, 2012

Why Is It Raining Concrete in Toronto?

1.   Global warming. The weather is soooooo hot, even the concrete is melting away, into pieces.

2.   This is Mike Holmes next renovation project.

3.   Chicken Little: The sky is falling.

4.   The new Ontario law: All drivers and pedestrians must wear helmets while travelling under the Gardiner Expressway.

5.   Oh, it is only Mr. Harper reshaping our Nation, chipping away all oppositions.

6.   Sorry, no more funding for the Economic Action Plan Infrastructure Programs. Have to wait till next Election.

7.   It’s official. Ford has declared war on gangs, “Hit those thugs harder with more concrete. Out, out, get out of my city.”

8.   Go underground. Safer down there. See, told you, we need more subway, subway, subway.

9.   There is an app available at the Apple Store: Concrete Tracker.

10. Told you not to beg too hard for rain. Now it is raining concrete instead.

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