目前,除美军已派往地中海区域的四艘“阿利•伯克”(Arleigh Burke)级“神盾舰”外,英国皇家海军也已向地中海派遣了至少一艘“特拉法加”(Trafalgar)级核潜艇,而对叙利亚的第一波打击任务就将由该批舰船执行。此外,美军已在塞浦路斯及土耳其布置了空军部队。五角大楼更计划调动F-22和F-15前往约旦参加打击任务,如计划得以落实,这将是F-22自利比亚内战后第一次投入实战。
Forbes Kerry)通电话,对美方先前暗示准备对叙发动军事打击的言辞表达“深切焦虑”。
随后,26日拉夫罗夫警告,对叙利亚采取任何未经联合国安理会授权的军事行动都违反国际法。认定军事干预叙利亚局势将给地区带来“灾难性后果”。俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)26日与英国首相卡梅伦(David Cameron)通电话强调,“没有证据(表明)是否存在化学武器攻击或者谁要为此负责”。
Intercepted phone calls prove Syrian army
used nerve gas, say U.S. spies
Free Syrian Army fighters escort a convoy of
UN vehicles carrying a team of United Nations chemical weapons experts during
their visit at one of the sites of an alleged chemical weapons attack in
Damascus' suburbs of Zamalka on Wednesday.
By: Noah Schactman Foreign Policy
WASHINGTON — Last Wednesday, in the hours after a horrific
chemical attack east of Damascus, an official at the Syrian Ministry of Defence
exchanged panicked phone calls with a leader of a chemical weapons unit,
demanding answers for a nerve agent strike that killed more than 1,000 people.
Those conversations were overheard by U.S. intelligence services,
FP has learned. And that is the major reason why American officials now say
they’re certain that the attacks were the work of the Bashar Assad regime — and
why the U.S. military is likely to attack that regime in a matter of days.
US Says Chemical Weapons Use in Syria 'Undeniable'
But the intercept raises questions about culpability for the
chemical massacre, even as it answers others: Was the attack on Aug. 21 the
work of a Syrian officer overstepping his bounds? Or was the strike explicitly
directed by senior members of the Assad regime?
“It’s unclear where control lies,” one U.S. intelligence official
told FP. “Is there just some sort of general blessing to use these things? Or
are there explicit orders for each attack?”
Nor are U.S. analysts sure of the Syrian military’s rationale for
launching the strike — if it had a rationale at all.
Perhaps it was a lone general putting a long-standing battle plan
in motion; perhaps it was a miscalculation by the Assad government.
Whatever the reason, the attack has triggered worldwide outrage,
and put the Obama administration on the brink of launching a strike of its own
in Syria. “We don’t know exactly why it happened,” the intelligence official
added. “We just know it was pretty [expletive] stupid.”
American intelligence analysts are certain that chemical weapons
were used on Aug. 21 — the captured phone calls, combined with local doctors’
accounts and video documentation of the tragedy — are considered proof
That is why the U.S. government, from the president on down, has
been unequivocal in its declarations that the Syrian military gassed thousands
of civilians in the East Ghouta region.
However, U.S. spy services still have not acquired the evidence
traditionally considered to be the gold standard in chemical weapons cases:
soil, blood and other environmental samples that test positive for reactions
with nerve agent. That’s the kind of proof that America and its allies
processed from earlier, small-scale attacks that the White House described in
equivocal tones, and declined to muster a military response to in retaliation.
There is an ongoing debate within the Obama administration about
whether to strike Assad immediately — or whether to allow United Nations
inspectors to try to collect that proof before the bombing begins.
This week, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney called the work
of that team “redundant . . . because it is clearly established already that
chemical weapons have been used on a significant scale.”
But within the intelligence community, at least, “there’s an
interest in letting the UN piece run its course,” the official said. “It puts
the period on the end of the sentence.”
When news about the Ghouta incident first trickled out, there were
questions about whether or not a chemical agent was to blame for the massacre.
But when weapons experts and U.S. intelligence analysts began reviewing the
dozens of videos and pictures allegedly taken from the scene of the attacks,
they quickly concluded that a nerve gas, such as sarin, had been used there.
The videos showed young victims who were barely able to breathe
and, in some cases, twitching. Close-up photos revealed that their pupils were
severely constricted. Doctors and nurses who say they treated the victims
reported that they later became short of breath as well. Eyewitnesses talk of
young children so confused, they couldn’t even indentify their own parents.
All of these are classic signs of exposure to a nerve agent like
sarin, the Assad regime’s chemical weapon of choice.
Making the case even more conclusive were the images of the
missiles that supposedly delivered the deadly attacks. If they were carrying
conventional warheads, they would have likely been all but destroyed as they
detonated. But several missiles in East Ghouta were found largely intact.
“Why is there so much rocket left? There shouldn’t be so much
rocket left,” the intelligence official told FP. The answer, the official and
his colleagues concluded, was that the weapon was filled with nerve agent, not
a conventional explosive.
In the days after the attacks, there was a great deal of public
discussion about which side in Syria’s horrific civil war actually launched the
strike. Allies of the Assad regime, like Iran and Russia, pointed the finger at
the opposition. The intercepted communications told a different story — one in
which the Syrian government was clearly to blame.
The official White House line is that the president is still
considering his options for Syria. But all of Washington is talking about a punitive
strike on the Assad government in terms of when, not if. Even some
congressional doves have said they’re now at least open to the possibility of
U.S. airstrikes in Syria. Images of dead children, neatly stacked in rows, have
a way of changing minds.
horrible, it’s stupid,” the intelligence official said about the East Ghouta
attack by the Syrian military. “Whatever happens in the next few days — they
get what they deserve.”
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