Couple use simple technique to stop toddler's tears instantly.
They had her at “moo.”
A video compilation of 1-year-old Scarlett’s parents using their
distraction technique to stop her in mid-sob has gone viral on YouTube,
capturing 4.7 million views in just a few days.
“She's a very active, talkative, silly, animated and affectionate
1-year-old,” dad Kosal Sen told the Star.
“She loves to wave and say hi to everyone (if she's in the mood),
hug and kiss us (her parents) and her toys, and play with our shih tzu.
Considering she's a baby, I would say the amount she cries is quite normal.”
In the 47-second video, Scarlett stops crying immediately when her
father asks her, “What does a cow say?”
Eyes wide, the toddler replies, “Moo.”
Again and again, the compilation video, made from home movies,
demonstrates how a question distracts her quickly from her tears.
“My wife and I have been around children all our lives.
‘Distraction’ and ‘removal-from-the-situation’ has always been tools we used
during tantrums,” said Sen.
“It was just a funny discovery that our baby still responded with
her ‘talents’ during her tantrums. So funny, my wife and I decided to share it.
“We had no idea it was going to be so popular.”
Sen has said the technique works 90 per cent of the time. But
sometimes, he and mother Tristanne know, you can’t stop the tears.
“Of course, I don't use the technique every time — that would be
irresponsible,” he said.
“If a jackal bit her, I would not ask her to moo. When she's
really hurt or upset, she gets lots of hugs and kisses.”
couple and their daughter live in the eastern U.S. and asked that their home
town not be identified. Kosal is a graphic designer and Tristanne a pediatric
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