Talk show host Oprah Winfrey says she encountered racism while
shopping in Switzerland — and the national tourism office agrees.
Oprah Winfrey, seen here in 2012, says racism
was behind a Swiss luxury boutique's alleged refusal to let her buy a handbag
because it was "too expensive" for her. The country's national
tourism board issued an apology on Friday.
GENEVA—Talk show host Oprah Winfrey says she encountered racism
while shopping in Switzerland — and the national tourism office agrees.
The media mogul, who is one of the world’s richest women, told the
U.S. program “Entertainment Tonight” that a shop assistant in Zurich refused to
show her a handbag because it was “too expensive” for her.
Forbes magazine estimates that Winfrey earned $77 million in the
year ending in June.
A spokeswoman for the Swiss tourism office, Daniela Baer, told The
Associated Press on Friday “we are very sorry for what happened to her.”
The tourism office also posted an apology on Twitter, saying “this
person acted terribly wrong.”
was in town to attend last month’s wedding of longtime pal Tina Turner, who
lives in Switzerland.
据报道,这个名牌包售价在3.8万美元左右。奥普拉奥普拉说,我完全可以趾高气扬的把黑金卡掏出来甩她脸上,但何必呢?奥普拉没有直接说这是 “种族歧视”,但她先讲述了她与她的发型师几年前在纽约遭受“种族歧视”后提及此事,暗示非常明显。纽约那家豪华商店曾遭到两名黑人抢劫,当时拒绝让她和发型师进入。
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