Friday, November 16, 2012

姓“余”的外国女记者 成为十八大焦点


谁是Andrea Yu这位余小姐是谁?问这个问题的,包括了华尔街日报、澳洲ABC电视、英国卫报以及美国大西洋杂志的记者们。刚闭幕的中共十八大会议,吸引了数百个来自海外的记者,但有一个貌似洋人但姓氏是的女记者,特别惹人注目


华尔街日报的记者指出,这位来自澳洲的记者Andrea Yu,宣称是澳洲Global CAMG Media International记者,在十八大记者会上,一共出现了4次,而且每次都获得分派坐在同一位置上,并且与记者会主持人有着目光的交流,发问时用相当标准的普通话

美国ABC电视台驻华特派员麦当尼尔于是找她聊了一下,发现原来她事前已经与主持有了默契,她的问题事前也获得批准。记者后来更发现,Andrea Yu务的传媒公司,大老板原来是中国人,与中国政府的宣传机关非常熟络,还负责将北京制作的节目送给澳洲亲中国政府的社区电台播放

在交谈之中,Andrea Yu坦白向麦当尼尔承认,她这次的角色,确非是一个真正记者的所为,她加入这家传媒公司也只有一个月,她本人也不想做这种任务

澳洲ABC电视台播出了这段交谈之后,英国的卫报和美国的大西洋杂志亦相继报道了Andrea Yu的故事。

没多久,有网民在社交网站推特爆料,指Andrea Yu的真名其实是Andrea Hodgkinson,有网民还打趣说,这下子她可走红了

Andrea Yu asking question at China congress
AUSTRALIAN journalist Andrea Yu has had the questions turned on her after a series of 'soft questions' at the Chinese Communist Party congress.

Yu was later revealed to be an employee of a company owned by the Chinese Government and based in Australia since 2009.
Many were surprised when the Australian was allowed to ask questions at the Chinese leadership event. That is normally reserved for Chinese journalists who are supportive of the government.
Yu has been criticised for failing to ask tougher questions and instead using the floor to quiz China's leadership about Australian-Asian relations and Melbourne's sister-city connection with Tianjin.
The ABC's China correspondent, Stephen McDonnell, asked Yu if she was called to ask questions because it was known that she works for Global CAMG Media International, a majority Chinese-owned company. CAMG is also affiliated with state-run Chinese radio.
"I honestly don't believe people in the Chinese Government knew who I was," she said.
Yu has only worked for CAMG for about a month but admitted that her questioning is influenced by who she works for.
"I can't ask the hard questions that I might want to ask because of who I work for," she said.

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